Monday, April 2, 2018

Change is Everywhere

Brothers and Sisters,

This conference weekend was truly amazing. I learned so much and the Spirit was so strong. With all of the changes and additions of temples may I just testify that this is the Lords church that is being lead by a modern day prophet. I know that President Nelson guides the church. I know that he speaks according to the will of the Lord.

Here are some insights I had during conference:
1. Think of and pray for others.
2. Always, always, always, do the small and simple things.
3. Our top priority is making sure that we do what we can to get our family to the Celestial Kingdom.
4. We are being lead by a modern day prophet of God.
5. The work is hastening and we need to do what we can to stay on the covenant path.

This conference has completely changed the way I think about the world, my calling as a full-time missionary and exhalation for my family. I no longer really care about being 'of the world'. I know that there are worldly things that we must participate in but I have a growing testimony of truly putting God first in every aspect of my life. That is probably my number one thing I learned is that I need to do better at putting God and His plan first in my life. Not school, music or anything else. I am so grateful for this testimony I have gained from this conference.

I also found out on Saturday that I am leaving Salem. I will be heading to my last area. I am so excited! But at first of course I was nervous. I was able to get a priesthood blessing from a member of the ward and the main thing I got from it was that if I just trust God, He will tell me where to go and who to talk too. I am so excited for this change and I can't wait to see what lies ahead. I will find out where I am going and who I will be with on Wednesday night.

Thank you for your continued love and prayers.

*Alma 37:6-7
Sister Rodabough

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