Monday, October 9, 2017

Oh thee adventures we have as missionaries (Movies are so cute!)

Okay y'all. Virginia officially has my whole heart. I love this place and I hope I never get to leave (sorry mom). It is so beautiful, especially in the fall. We went on the best hike ever today as a district called Buffalo Mountain in Floyd Virginia. It is a 3 mile hike round trip and I can't wait to take McKay there someday. I'll take the rest of my family after but McKay and I get to go first. It was also fun because on the way down we where quoting Emperors New Groove so that was fabulous. Also there is a little story. So we woke up this morning and we where suppose to be in Radford at 9:00 (so that we could carpool with the other sisters) and in Floyd ready to hike at 10:00 and it takes 1 hour to get to Floyd from Radford, so we had to leave Pulaski at 8:30. We got to Radford right on time because we are sisters. Then we had to take like 10 minutes to plug in the address and then we had to call the Morgans because the address didn't exist on the GPS so we had to right down step by step directions on how to get there. THEN we missed a turn and ended up at a random gas station and we had to get the right directions there. So we turned around and found the place but there was like three different trails so we went down the middle one, which we found out later that was the wrong one so we had to get out and back on a supper skinny road and then we got to the right trail at 10:45. We where only 45 minutes late. Mormon slandered time am I right? But we got there and it was lots of fun. Sorry if that story was totally confusing lol. 

Other than that I honestly can't remember what else we did this week. Time is going by so fast. Here are some random highlights though

Sunday: We fasted and we had two of our investigators come to church! We hit standard this week by having 4 on date for baptism, finding 3 new and had 2 at church on Sunday. I know that this was a miracle given to us from Heavenly Father. Also we where tracting and we ran into this guy and he came out and he was like, "Well look at who we have here!" We have never met this man before but clearly he knew about us. He told us that he has done a whole bunch of 'research' about Joseph Smith and Brigham Young leading the pioneers to Salt Lake and stuff. He even knows about our temples and he was like "Do you have a temple pass?" And I was like, "Yeah." Then he asked my companion the same thing lol. After we both said yes he was like, "Good for you." He is a funny man haha. We also met Jackie who is super legit! We have her a Book of Mormon and she loves the idea of praying to know if it is true. She said she would have to talk to her husband before we can teach her though so we'll see where that goes.

Monday: Sister Adams and I got our nails done! That was a good time. Thank you mom for giving me money so that we could do that.

So as a mission we are going to be reading the Book of Mormon together at the same days that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery translated it! I cannot wait. It is a 60 day challenge so that seems pretty doable. When I get the information, maybe y'all can do it with me!

That's all for this week folks but thank you for your continued love, prayers and support. I couldn't ask for better friends and family.

Sister Rodabough

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