Monday, September 11, 2017

This week was a spiritual skyrocket!

Hello hello hello! I sure hope everyone is doing well back home.

As I reflect on the events of today, I often think of the hero's we have today. The Police Officers, the Firemen, the Army Soldiers and so many other organizations that help, I am so grateful for everything they do for us each and every day. 9/11 was a really hard day for America. A lot of loved ones where lost. However, this makes me so grateful for Heavenly Fathers Plan of Salvation. I know that we will be with our families again. I know that God doesn't do bad things to punish us or anything. Heavenly Father needed those people back with Him so that they could help with missionary work and other things that need to be done on the other side of the vale. I know that those people who passed away this day are safe and happy.

Sister Adams is my new companion and I just love her so much. She is from Salem Utah, she has two brothers and a little sister. She's more on the quiet side. Which is cool. We are really good at teaching together because we are so unified. I am excited and grateful for this time that I have to serve with her!

On Saturday we woke up at 4:00 am and traveled to Charleston WV. There we met Elder Cook of the 12, Elder Nelson and Elder Dudley of the 70. This was the most Spiritual meeting I have ever been. The power of their words really sunk deep into my heart. They declared us to repent in such a nice way haha. The main thing that stood out to me was the sense of urgency they talked about. They said that the work isn't 'hastened' but that it is urgent. One thing that Elder Nelson said that I loved was, "If there is something wrong in your life, fix it." If we are not doing everything we need to do then stop what you are doing and make a change. I am in the process of a whole life style change. I am not completely changing who I am (my mom would be super mad) but I am just improving the things that I need to do better at. They also talked about how this is our time. This is our time to serve the Lord. This is our time to become our best selves. I am so grateful for everything I learned in this conference. I am grateful for this time that I have to discover who I really am. Who I am when I came out on my mission is not the same as who I am now. And for that I am grateful.

Thank you for all of your love, prayers and support. I hope that you all know how much I love you.

Sister Rodabough

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