Monday, May 28, 2018

Crazy People!!! And Amazing Hikes!

Hello friends and family! This week was pretty chill. Nothing super crazy happened because we are just trying to find people lol.

So crazy story: we were walking on the sidewalk of a big highway and we see this big guy on the other side in a wheelchair (he is not on the side walk but on the actual road) and we were like, ‘what the heck is that guy doing?!’ So we asked him, “Hey do you need some help?” And he is like, “can y’all get me to the freeway? I need to get to the hospital, these guys are treating me like crap and no one cares about me...” we couldn’t hear him very well so he comes over to where we are and he just starts going on and on meanwhile he is saying a lot of bad words lol, the Spirit was not there haha. We eventually found out that he escaped the mental institution he was in and the cops were coming to get him and take him back. (Mom don’t freak out, everything is fine) so that was an eventful day!

Today was so fun. We went on a hike with Molly (YSA member who works with us all the time) and it was SO beautiful!!! There was a huge waterfall at the end and honestly I feel the Spirit so strong when I go hiking because I know that everything I am looking at, God created. I have a huge testimony that being in nature helps with emotional stress and healing. Plus it is just fun. ðŸ™‚

I am sorry for the shorter email but we’ve got to bounce out soon. And I know everyone has been asking me so I will just say at the end of each of my emails how long I have. #10Weeks

I love you all, thank you for everything!
*Behold the Man* by Elder Uchtdorf
Sister Rodabough

Monday, May 21, 2018

New Adventures

Hello everyone! This week was crazy because transfers lol. All of my previous companions (actually ALL of them) went home so that was way sad but I picked up a new one this week as well! Her name is Sister Coombs and we are the same person haha. She is from Roy Utah (for those of you who don't know, Roy is right by Ogden) She is out-going and we both love music and arts and all that. She is the youngest of 4 so she is a baby but she has been and aunt sense she was like 7 so thats cool. I wish I was an aunt...*coughs* (McKay....). She has been out 10 months and has been serving most of her mission in West Virginia so I am like, "West Virginia....what's that?" Haha who knows maybe my last transfer I will get transferred to West Virginia but I doubt that.

Taking over Blacksburg has been kind of stressful I am not going to lie but I know that Heavenly Father helps me through all hard things. I love this area with my whole heart and we have some big plans for summer and I am very excited for all of the miracles to come!

Last week was honestly a huge blur because it just went by so fast but we've had so much fun! We are biking a lot now because the buses only run every 30 minutes instead of every 10 minutes so it is just so much easier to bike around. It is so fun because the trees finally have green leaves and it is just so pretty!

That is pretty much it lol. Not much has happened. However, I am hyped because we get to go play volleyball and I am excited!

Talk to y'all next week! Also congrats to Andrew and Dylan for getting mission calls! I am so excited for both of you!!!

*Trust in the Lord mormon message
Sister Rodabough

Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day #2

Hi family and friends!

I am just going to jump right into Mothers Day. Best day ever! The only bad part was that it took forever to set up the Skype. Like an hour! But its fine because the amazing family helping me figured it out so we're good. And I only cried a lot so its fine haha. McKay Skyped people at my grandmas house and when I saw all of my cousins I just lost it completely. They all look grown up and I can't handle it. Afterwords my family was like, "Hey the next time we see you will be face to face." That is so not okay haha. I'll just extend again. ;)

That is pretty much it honestly. Both of my companions are leaving. So that is sad but I get a new one on Friday! I can't wait for this next adventure! I will send pictures next week! I love you guys and thank you for everything!

Sister Rodabough 

Monday, May 7, 2018

He Will Answer

This week was a crazy testimony builder for me! Monday-Thursday were kind of 'eh' days so I am going to skip right on to Friday!

Friday- We had an awesome district meeting but after we had the best lesson with Jake! We were changing our lesson with him over and over again because nothing felt right so at last minute Sister Lovell said, "We need to read Lehi's Dream with him!" And we did. Jake's family is not very supportive of his decision to be baptized but he said he is going to read that chapter with his family to help them understand. He said he loved this chapter and it really helped him to understand more about the purpose of baptism. The Book of Mormon truly is so powerful and can help anyone with any problem.

Saturday!: We picked up a two new investigators and they are both so ready. God is in the details everyone. Also Jake got baptized! I love him so much and I am so grateful that he has showed his faith by making covenants with Our Father! He is going to be an amazing member of the church I just know it.

Sunday: This has been probably the craziest day of my mission. So we went to the family ward and the YSA ward so that was fun. After that we were not even home for 45 minutes when we had 8 missed calls from our Ward Mission Leader. We called him back and he immediately asked, "Is it possible to get Haley baptized and confirmed today?" Haley is our investigator that was suppose to be baptized on the 28th but she said that she was too nervous and wasn't ready. She has been to church since March and has had all of the lessons. She just needed her baptismal interview. We make 1,000 phone calls. We called the District Leader, Zone Leader and President Lindhardt. We finally got the interview thing worked out and we planned the whole baptism. We even got a musical number and muffins so yeah we've got this. Haley's baptism was so powerful and she had such a light about her after she was confirmed. BTW She did it all in one day because school ends next week and she wanted to already be a member when she went to her new ward.

So as you can see this week was pretty great. There were a lot more details but I didn't want this email to be to long so yeah. Thank you for your love and prayers. I hope you have an amazing week!

*D&C 101:14-16 and 35-38
Sister Rodabough